21.14 在Excel里进行16进制运算
我需要利用Excel进行一些数据分析工作,这些数据基本都是16进制表示,如何在 Excel里进行16进制运算?
A: scz 2015-04-29 11:18
Excel的单元格(Cell)不支持0xFFFFFFF7这种16进制表述,实际是不认0x前缀,只能 输入FFFFFFF7,同时将其格式设为"文本",而不是"常规"或"数值",这样可以避免很 多不必要的自动转换。
如果不考虑VBA介入,单元格里的公式只支持10进制四则运算,幸好Excel提供了如下 函数:
A1(16) B1(10) C1(16) FFFFFFF7 10 1
0xFFFFFFF7 + 10 = 0x00000001
A: zyh & scz 2015-04-28
Option Explicit
Private Function HexStr2Num ( hexstr As String ) As Currency Dim num As Currency Dim start As Boolean Dim n As Integer Dim tmp As String
Select Case Left$( hexstr, 2 )
Case "0x", "0X", "&H", "&h"
hexstr = Right$ ( hexstr, Len$( hexstr ) - 2 )
End Select
num = 0
start = False
For n = 1 To Len$( hexstr )
If start Then
num = num * 16
End If
tmp = Mid$( hexstr, n, 1 )
Select Case tmp
Case "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"
num = num + ( Asc( tmp ) - 55 )
start = True
Case "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"
num = num + Val( tmp )
start = True
End Select
Next n
HexStr2Num = num
End Function
Private Function DecStr2Num ( decstr As String ) As Currency Dim num As Currency Dim start As Boolean Dim n As Integer Dim tmp As String
num = 0
start = False
For n = 1 To Len$( decstr )
If start Then
num = num * 10
End If
tmp = Mid$( decstr, n, 1 )
Select Case tmp
Case "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"
num = num + Val( tmp )
start = True
End Select
Next n
DecStr2Num = num
End Function
Private Function NumStr2Num ( numstr As String ) As Currency Dim num As Currency
If "0X" = Mid$( UCase$( numstr ), 1, 2 ) Then
num = HexStr2Num( numstr )
num = DecStr2Num( numstr )
End If
NumStr2Num = num
End Function
Private Function Num2HexStr ( num As Currency ) As String Dim start As Boolean Dim digit As Long Dim hexstr As String Dim power As Integer
hexstr = ""
For power = 18 To 0 Step -1
digit = Int( num / ( 16 ^ power ) )
If num >= 16 ^ power Then
start = True
If digit > 9 Then
hexstr = hexstr + Chr$( digit + 55 )
hexstr = hexstr + LTrim$( Str$( digit ) )
End If
num = num - ( digit * ( 16 ^ power ) )
If start Then
hexstr = hexstr + "0"
End If
End If
Next power
If 0 = Len$( hexstr ) Then
hexstr = "00"
End If
If 1 = Len$( hexstr ) Mod 2 Then
hexstr = "0" + hexstr
End If
Num2HexStr = "0x" + hexstr
End Function
Private Function SuperMod ( n As Currency, m As Currency ) As Currency SuperMod = n - ( Int( n / m ) * m ) End Function
' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '
Public Function NumStr2HexStr ( numstr As String ) As String NumStr2HexStr = Num2HexStr( NumStr2Num( numstr ) ) End Function
Public Function AddMod32 ( x1 As String, x2 As String ) As String Dim n1@, n2@, n3@
n1 = SuperMod( NumStr2Num( x1 ), 2 ^ 32 )
n2 = SuperMod( NumStr2Num( x2 ), 2 ^ 32 )
n3 = SuperMod( n1 + n2, 2 ^ 32 )
AddMod32 = Num2HexStr( n3 )
End Function
Public Function SubMod32 ( x1 As String, x2 As String ) As String Dim n1@, n2@, n3@
n1 = SuperMod( NumStr2Num( x1 ), 2 ^ 32 )
n2 = SuperMod( NumStr2Num( x2 ), 2 ^ 32 )
If n1 >= n2 Then
n3 = SuperMod( n1 - n2, 2 ^ 32 )
n3 = n1 - n2 + 4294967296@
End If
SubMod32 = Num2HexStr( n3 )
End Function
Public Function MulMod32 ( x1 As String, x2 As String ) As String Dim n1@, n2@, n3@
n1 = SuperMod( NumStr2Num( x1 ), 2 ^ 32 )
n2 = SuperMod( NumStr2Num( x2 ), 2 ^ 32 )
n3 = SuperMod( n1 * n2, 2 ^ 32 )
MulMod32 = Num2HexStr( n3 )
End Function
Public Function DivMod32 ( x1 As String, x2 As String ) As String Dim n1@, n2@, n3@
n1 = SuperMod( NumStr2Num( x1 ), 2 ^ 32 )
n2 = SuperMod( NumStr2Num( x2 ), 2 ^ 32 )
n3 = SuperMod( Int( n1 / n2 ), 2 ^ 32 )
DivMod32 = Num2HexStr( n3 )
End Function
Public Function ModMod32 ( x1 As String, x2 As String ) As String Dim n1@, n2@, n3@
n1 = SuperMod( NumStr2Num( x1 ), 2 ^ 32 )
n2 = SuperMod( NumStr2Num( x2 ), 2 ^ 32 )
n3 = SuperMod( SuperMod( n1, n2 ), 2 ^ 32 )
ModMod32 = Num2HexStr( n3 )
End Function
Public Function CmpNumStr ( x1 As String, x2 As String ) As Integer Dim n1@, n2@, n3%
n1 = NumStr2Num( x1 )
n2 = NumStr2Num( x2 )
If n1 > n2 Then
n3 = 1%
ElseIf n1 = n2 Then
n3 = 0%
n3 = -1%
End If
CmpNumStr = n3
End Function
AddMod32 SubMod32 MulMod32 DivMod32 ModMod32
至此,在Excel单元格里可以直接使用AddMod32()这些函数。这些函数的形参是字符 串类型,内部处理了0x前缀。
A1(16) B1(10) C1(16) 0xFFFFFFF7 10 0x01