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标题: Ubuntu 22中安装radare2

创建: 2022-09-22 11:26 更新: 2024-11-18 17:13 链接:

缺省情况下Ubuntu 22中找不到radare2,只能用snap安装,参看

Getting started

aptitude install snapd snap info radare2 snap install --edge --devmode radare2 snap list snap list --all radare2 snap refresh --edge --devmode radare2 snap remove radare2 ls -l /snap/bin/radare2.rasm2 readlink -f /snap/bin/radare2.rasm2

radare2.rasm2是到/usr/bin/snap的符号链接,类似busybox的套路。"/snap/bin"在 PATH环境变量中。

$ radare2.rasm2 -a x86 -b 64 -s intel -o 0 "mov eax,dword [rsp+0x20]" 448b442420

$ radare2.rasm2 -a x86 -b 64 -s att -o 0 -D 448b442420 0x00000000 5 448b442420 movl 0x20(%rsp), %r8d

radare2.rasm2有BUG,目标寄存器是eax,不是r8d,汇编结果已错,反汇编结果自然 对不上。

snap版rasm2无法指定x86.nasm,这需要去snap中找nasm,不会去找/usr/bin/nasm, 但snap中并没有nasm。

$ radare2.rasm2 -a x86.nasm -b 64 -s intel -o 0 "mov eax,dword [rsp+0x20]" ... sh: 1: nasm: not found Error running 'nasm' ...

$ ls -l /snap/radare2/current/usr/bin/rasm2

snap版rasm2实际位于此处,所在目录位于只读文件系统,无法在此创建nasm的符号 链接。

$ cd /snap/radare2/current/usr/bin/ $ ln -s /usr/bin/nasm . ln: failed to create symbolic link './nasm': Read-only file system


虽然Ubuntu 22无法apt安装radare2,但总是可以源码编译安装。


cd /home/scz/src export https_proxy=socks5://: git config --global http.postBuffer 1048576000 git clone radare2 ./radare2/sys/ ls -l /usr/local/bin/rasm2


error: RPC failed; curl 56 GnuTLS recv error (-9): A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.

install.sh会git下载一些依赖组件的源码,最终sudo时输入当前普通用户密码,以 便安装到/usr/local/bin/去,缺省用ln,而不是cp,有命令行参数改变此行为。


git config --global --unset http.postBuffer unset https_proxy


$ rasm2 -a x86.nasm -b 64 -s intel -o 0 "mov eax,dword [rsp+0x20]" 8b442420

$ rasm2 -a x86 -b 64 -s att -o 0 -D 8b442420 0x00000000 4 8b442420 movl 0x20(%rsp), %eax


2024-11-18 17:13


old new -s -S -o -s -O -o

$ rasm2 -h Usage: rasm2 [-ACdDehLBvw] [-a arch] [-b bits] [-s addr] [-S syntax] [-f file] [-o file] [-F fil:ter] [-i skip] [-l len] 'code'|hex|0101b|- -a [arch] set architecture to assemble/disassemble (see -L) -A show Analysis information from given hexpairs -b [bits] set cpu register size (8, 16, 32, 64) (RASM2_BITS) -B binary input/output (-l is mandatory for binary input) -c [cpu] select specific CPU (depends on arch) -C output in C format -d, -D disassemble from hexpair bytes (-D show hexpairs) -e use big endian instead of little endian -E display ESIL expression (same input as in -d) -f [file] read data from file -F [in:out] specify input and/or output filters (att2intel, x86.pseudo, ..) -h, -hh show this help, -hh for long -i [len] ignore/skip N bytes of the input buffer -j output in json format -k [kernel] select operating system (linux, windows, darwin, android, ios, ..) -l [len] input/Output length -L list RArch plugins: (a=asm, d=disasm, e=esil) -N same as r2 -N (or R2_NOPLUGINS) (not load any plugin) -o [file] output file name (rasm2 -Bf a.asm -o a) -p run SPP over input for assembly -q quiet mode -r output in radare commands -s,-@ [addr] define initial start/seek address (default 0) -S [syntax] select syntax (intel, att) -v show version information -x use hex dwords instead of hex pairs when assembling. -w what's this instruction for? describe opcode

$ rasm2 -a x86.nasm -b 64 -S intel -s 0 "mov eax,dword [rsp+0x20]" 8b442420

$ rasm2 -a x86 -b 64 -S att -s 0 -D 8b442420 0x00000000 4 8b442420 movl 0x20(%rsp), %eax