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标题: IDA flare-emu示例

创建: 2020-12-02 17:33 更新: 2020-12-09 14:32 链接:


☆ 简介
☆ 寻找练手对象
    1) 获取md5sum源码
    2) DIGEST_STREAM()/md5_stream()
☆ IDA反汇编时识别MD5算法
    1) IDA Signsrch/signsrch.exe
    2) findcrypt-yara
☆ flare-emu示例
    1) Hex-Rays下的md5_stream()
    3) 用windbg调试IDA对emu_md5_stream.py的加载执行
☆ FILE结构
    1) FILEStructureTest.c
    2) Linux的FILE结构
    3) Windows的FILE结构
    4) emu_md5_stream.py中update_stream()
    5) 为什么emu_md5_stream.py有BUG仍然得到正确结果
☆ 后记
☆ 参考资源

☆ 简介

IDA静态分析时想调用目标binary中一段代码,或者说模拟/仿真执行目标binary中一 段代码,这个需求比较常见。最简单的一种场景是,想检查目标binary中某种算法函 数的in/out,想自己提供in,让其过一遍算法函数,检查out。稍微复杂点的场景, 目标binary中有私有字符串反混淆函数,想调用之,自动反混淆目标binary中的一段 数据区。

过去为了应对这种需求,可以将汇编代码片段扒出来重编译,可以用Python模拟实现, 是否可行视该段代码复杂度而不同。还有更野蛮的方案,2006年hume和我逆向Skype 时需要调用若干Skype.exe中的代码片段,hume把Skype.exe简单改成Skype.dll的效 果。后来搞一些ELF时我也用过类似的技术思路,好处是不用扒代码出来,懒人超爱。


》这小半年断断续续接触到之前主观上不太愿意碰的一些东西,包括llvm、docker、 》unicorn等等。除了开眼界外,对业务水平、生产力提高也是帮助巨大。像模拟执 》行,以前我就恃着自己写过几年汇编,经常硬生生把汇编代码从IDA抠出,当库函 》数用。现在不干了,几句python让unicorn跑去,就地解决。还是脑袋似木瓜,很 》多年轻的娃本科毕业就把这些玩意玩得烂熟了。

》flare-emu是个IDA插件,封装了unicorn。我用了几轮,感觉十分友好,封装的文 》件就三个,十分方便二次开发。逆向时,有时需要调用原来的一段代码,改写当然 》可以,扒出来重编译也是条路,但模拟执行就地解决在大多数情况下可能是最优解。

bluerust是我前同事,后来曾入职过FireEye几年,现下在北美逍遥自在。若scz曾经 是前浪的话,bluerust就是将前者拍死在沙滩上的后浪。现在这位后浪亦将步入中年, 迟早会被后后浪拍死在沙滩上。他将来怎么死的我不知道,反正现如今我对他的各种 技术推荐甚为重视,毕竟老年程序员眼界缩窄,再不虚心好学的话,只会加快自身被 遗弃于技术垃圾堆的进程。不是所有的前浪都像hume那样,浪奔浪流,万里涛涛江水 永不休。

本文不从上帝视角展开,没有直接给精简演示方案,会介绍完整学习过程,稍显冗长, 诸君可依据自身技术背景进行跳跃式阅读。


☆ 寻找练手对象

决定用x64/RedHat上的md5sum测试flare-emu的效果。md5sum必然包含MD5算法相关函 数,较容易定位它们,然后用flare-emu模拟执行,检验MD5算法的in/out。

$ cat /etc/redhat-release Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.6 (Maipo)

$ md5sum $(which md5sum) 4514d5673c0559d2375ab691e651f1ff /usr/bin/md5sum

$ file -b $(which md5sum) ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=8266215e076552c2e972adb3d4155a82d12ab60a, stripped

$ ls -l $(which md5sum) -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 41592 Jun 15 2018 /usr/bin/md5sum*

1) 获取md5sum源码


$ rpm -qif $(which md5sum) | grep src.rpm Source RPM : coreutils-8.22-23.el7.src.rpm



[scz@ /tmp/coreutils]> rpm --define "_topdir /tmp/coreutils" -ivh /mnt/hgfs/download/coreutils-8.22-23.el7.src.rpm [scz@ /tmp/coreutils]> ls SOURCES/ SPECS/ [scz@ /tmp/coreutils]> ls -l SOURCES/ ... -rw-r--r--. 1 scz scz 5335124 Oct 30 2018 coreutils-8.22.tar.xz ... [scz@ /tmp/coreutils]> ls -l SPECS/ -rw-r--r--. 1 scz scz 72699 Oct 30 2018 coreutils.spec


[scz@ /tmp/coreutils]> rpmbuild --define "_topdir /tmp/coreutils" -bp --nodeps SPECS/coreutils.spec


[scz@ /tmp/coreutils]> find . -name md5sum.c ./BUILD/coreutils-8.22/src/md5sum.c

2) DIGEST_STREAM()/md5_stream()

看过md5sum.c才知道,从md5sum到sha384sum用一套模具,调的都是DIGEST_STREAM(), 区别只是:


define DIGEST_STREAM md5_stream


define DIGEST_STREAM sha384_stream


[scz@ /tmp/coreutils]> grep -R --include=".c" md5_stream . ./BUILD/coreutils-8.22/src/md5sum.c:# define DIGEST_STREAM md5_stream ./BUILD/coreutils-8.22/lib/md5.c:# define md5_stream __md5_stream ./BUILD/coreutils-8.22/lib/md5.c:md5_stream (FILE stream, void *resblock)


[scz@ /tmp/coreutils]> find . -name ".c" -exec grep -Hn md5_stream {} \; ./BUILD/coreutils-8.22/src/md5sum.c:47:# define DIGEST_STREAM md5_stream ./BUILD/coreutils-8.22/lib/md5.c:51:# define md5_stream __md5_stream ./BUILD/coreutils-8.22/lib/md5.c:141:md5_stream (FILE stream, void *resblock)

int md5_stream ( FILE stream, void resblock ) { struct md5_ctx ctx; size_t sum; char *buffer = malloc( BLOCKSIZE + 72 );

if ( !buffer )
    return 1;
md5_init_ctx( &ctx );
while ( 1 )
    size_t  n;

    sum = 0;
    while ( 1 )
        n       = fread( buffer + sum, 1, BLOCKSIZE - sum, stream );
        sum    += n;
        if ( sum == BLOCKSIZE )
        if ( n == 0 )
             * Check for the error flag IFF N == 0, so that we don't
             * exit the loop after a partial read due to e.g., EAGAIN
             * or EWOULDBLOCK.
            if ( ferror( stream ) )
                free( buffer );
                return 1;
            goto process_partial_block;
         * We've read at least one byte, so ignore errors. But always
         * check for EOF, since feof may be true even though N > 0.
         * Otherwise, we could end up calling fread after EOF.
        if ( feof( stream ) )
            goto process_partial_block;
    md5_process_block( buffer, BLOCKSIZE, &ctx );


if ( sum > 0 )
    md5_process_bytes( buffer, sum, &ctx );
md5_finish_ctx( &ctx, resblock );
free( buffer );
return 0;


☆ IDA反汇编时识别MD5算法

假设不知道目标binary包含哪些知名算法,IDA 7.1及之前版本用findcrypt.plw,之 后的IDA用"IDA Signsrch"或findcrypt-yara。

1) IDA Signsrch/signsrch.exe

"IDA Signsrch"有BUG,扫md5sum未能找到MD5算法特征常量,bluerust也曾跟我吐槽 说它不灵。但我在下文用它找到过ZIP算法特征常量:


"IDA Signsrch"是下面可执行版本的IDA插件移植版,原版无BUG: (特征数据库)

$ signsrch.exe -e md5sum

Signsrch 0.2.4 by Luigi Auriemma e-mail: [email protected] web: optimized search function by Andrew disassembler engine by Oleh Yuschuk

  • open file "md5sum"
  • 41592 bytes allocated
  • load signatures
  • open file X:\Green\CLI\signsrch.sig
  • 3075 signatures in the database
  • start 8 threads
  • start signatures scanning:

offset num description [bits.endian.size]

00402c32 1018 MD5 digest [32.le.272&] 00402c47 2053 RIPEMD-128 InitState [32.le.16&] 00406b40 1038 padding used in hashing algorithms (0x80 0 ... 0) [..64]

  • 3 signatures found in the file in 0 seconds
  • done

signsrch.exe找到MD5算法特征常量。指定"-e"时,把目标binary当成PE/ELF,给出 的offset是RVA而不是文件偏移,0x402c32对应md5_init_ctx()。

2) findcrypt-yara

这也是一个IDA插件。若你的IDA、Python都是安装版,跳过本小节内容。假设你是 "Portable IDA+IDAPython"爱好者,参看:

《Portable Python》

findcrypt-yara依赖yara-python模块,在有Visual Studio 2019 社区版的环境中执 行:

$ python.exe -m pip install yara-python







Edit Plugins Findcrypt (Ctrl+Alt+F)

findcrypt-yara没有明显BUG,在"Findcrypt results"窗口显示找到的MD5算法特征 值,双击跳过去。

☆ flare-emu示例


1) Hex-Rays下的md5_stream()

int __fastcall md5_stream(FILE stream, void resblock) { int *buffer; // r12 int ret; // eax size_t sum; // rbx size_t n; // rax char ctx[168]; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-E8h]

buffer = (int )malloc(0x8048uLL); ret = 1; if ( buffer ) { sum = 0LL; md5_init_ctx(ctx); while ( 1 ) { while ( 1 ) { n = fread_unlocked((char )buffer + sum, 1uLL, 0x8000 - sum, stream); sum += n; if ( sum != 0x8000 ) break; md5_process_block(buffer, 0x8000LL, ctx); sum = 0LL; } if ( !n ) break; / * feof() / if ( stream->_flags & 0x10 ) goto process_partial_block; } / * ferror() / if ( stream->_flags & 0x20 ) { free(buffer); return 1; } process_partial_block: if ( sum ) md5_process_bytes(buffer, sum, ctx); md5_finish_ctx(ctx, (__int64)resblock); free(buffer); ret = 0; } return ret; }

为了聚焦演示flare-emu,上面的F5结果已重命名过,真实世界没有这么理想的F5结 果。注意到ferror()、feof()在汇编代码中已inline展开。

最初想得挺简单,假设md5sum的实现是读文件到buf,然后对buf求MD5,此时求MD5的 代码将只涉及算法,不涉及文件I/O或其他什么系统调用、库函数调用。若真是如此 实现,非常适合演示flare-emu,事实上在逆向工程中很多验证in/out的需求就是这 类情形。对于前述理想情形验证in/out,还可以在调试器中直接修改PC寄存器指向算 法函数入口,临时组织函数形参,当然这已超出静态分析范畴。

起初我没有去找md5_stream()的源码,只在F5中看到上述代码,发现有I/O,就问 bluerust,是不是没法用flare-emu模拟执行md5_stream();他说可以,然后给我秀 了一番。


!/usr/bin/env python3

-- encoding: cp936 --

Author: bluerust, scz

IDA 7.5.1+Python 3.9


Opening 0x7fff1e33fa90

ret = 0

00000000: 28 6A 9E DB 37 9D C3 42 3A 52 8B 08 64 A0 F1 11 (j..7..B:R..d...

00000010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................

Closing 0x7fff1e33fa90


$ wsl md5sum /mnt/c/windows/system.ini

286a9edb379dc3423a528b0864a0f111 /mnt/c/windows/system.ini

import sys, ctypes, inspect, traceback, functools import hexdump import flare_emu



cso = ctypes.cdll.msvcrt

参看"Fundamental data types",这样可以避免NoneType。

>>> ctypes.sizeof( VOIDP )


class VOIDP ( ctypes.c_void_p ) :

# 有这个才可以对VOIDP类型求int()
def __int__ ( self ) :
    return self.value

end of class VOIDP



FILE fopen(const char pathname, const char *mode);

size_t fread(void ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE stream);

int fclose(FILE *stream);

void *calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size);

void free(void *ptr);

void memmove(void dest, const void *src, size_t n);

>>> ctypes.sizeof( ctypes.c_size_t )


cso.fopen.argtypes = ( ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p ) cso.fopen.restype = VOIDP

cso.fread.argtypes = ( VOIDP, ctypes.c_ulong, ctypes.c_ulong, VOIDP ) cso.fread.restype = ctypes.c_size_t


cso.fclose.argtypes = [ VOIDP ] cso.fclose.restype = ctypes.c_int

cso.calloc.argtypes = ( ctypes.c_size_t, ctypes.c_size_t ) cso.calloc.restype = VOIDP = [ VOIDP ] = None


cso.memmove.argtypes = ( VOIDP, VOIDP, ctypes.c_size_t ) cso.memmove.restype = VOIDP

Be called before each instruction is emulated.

def PrivateInstructionHook ( unicornObject, address, instructionSize, userData ) : # # 如果不需要跟踪到指令级别,注释掉这条语句 # print( "=> %#x [%s]" % ( address, ida_lines.tag_remove( ida_lines.generate_disasm_line( address ) ) ) ) pass

end of PrivateInstructionHook

How can I find the number of arguments of a Python function

def GetFuncParamNum ( func ) : sig = inspect.signature( func ) return len( sig.parameters )

end of GetFuncParamNum

关于装饰器参看 (入门推荐)


def PrivateHook ( func ) :

# args will be the tuple of positional arguments and kwargs will be
# the dictionary of keyword arguments.
# 下面这句隐式包含
# func_wrapper.__name__   = func.__name__
# func_wrapper.__doc__    = func.__doc__
# func_wrapper.__module__ = func.__module__
def func_wrapper ( *args, **kwargs ) :
    # print( func.__name__ )
    # print( args )
    # print( kwargs )
    # 参看,本例所涉及的函数原型是
    # (eh, address, argv, funcName, userData)
    eh          = args[0]
    address     = args[1]
    # flare-emu无法获知形参类型,它只是按一般ABI固定提取8个实参,遇上
    # 浮点传参或是Delphi那种调用约定,得自己提取实参
    argv        = args[2]
    funcName    = args[3]
    userData    = args[4]
    try :
        # 减1是减去eh所占形参
        n   = GetFuncParamNum( func ) - 1
        # 传递不定长形参
        ret = func( eh, *argv[:n] )
        # hook_free()会返回None
        if ret is not None :
            eh.uc.reg_write( eh.regs["ret"], ret )
        return ret
    except :
# end of func_wrapper

return func_wrapper

end of PrivateHook



def update_stream ( eh, stream ) : f = eh.ftable[stream] buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer( 256 ) assert( buf ) cso.memmove( buf, f, 256 ) # # 若想检查FILE结构,让下述语句生效 # # hexdump.hexdump( buf ) # # 写入Guest进程空间 # eh.writeEmuMem( stream, buf.raw[:256] )

end of update_stream


@PrivateHook def hook_fread ( eh, ptr, size, nmemb, stream ) : f = eh.ftable[stream] p = ctypes.create_string_buffer( size * nmemb ) n = cso.fread( p, size, nmemb, f ) update_stream( eh, stream ) # # p.raw是bytes类型,ptr指向Guest进程空间 # eh.writeEmuMem( ptr, p.raw[:size * n] ) return n

end of hook_fread



def hook_fread ( eh, ptr, size, nmemb, stream ) :

f = eh.ftable[stream]

p = cso.calloc( nmemb, size )

n = cso.fread( p, size, nmemb, f )

update_stream( eh, stream )

eh.writeEmuMem( ptr, ctypes.string_at( p, size * n ) ) p )

return n

# end of hook_fread

@PrivateHook def hook_fclose( eh, stream ): f = eh.ftable[stream] ret = cso.fclose( f ) update_stream( eh, stream ) return ret

end of hook_fclose

@PrivateHook def hook_free ( eh, ptr ) : # # 这种返回None # return

def main () :

# 如果前面没有"@functools.wraps(func)",此处将输出"func_wrapper",反之
# 输出"hook_fread"
# print( hook_fread.__name__ )

eh              = flare_emu.EmuHelper()

# 参看,已经hook malloc(),不必自己干这事
# 目标binary中feof()、ferror()已inline展开,无法用eh.addApiHook()

# 此处的hook_fread()函数原型是
# (eh, address, argv, funcName, userData)
# 此处写"_fread_unlocked"、"_free"也可以
eh.addApiHook( "fread_unlocked", hook_fread )
eh.addApiHook( "free", hook_free )

f               = cso.fopen( b"c:\\windows\\system.ini", b"rb" )
if not f :
    print( "Unable to open file" )
print( "Opening", hex( int( f ) ) )

# 获取被模拟函数的起始地址
startAddr       = eh.analysisHelper.getNameAddr( "md5_stream" )
assert( startAddr and startAddr != 0 )
# 准备被模拟函数的形参,在Guest进程空间分配内存
FILE            = eh.allocEmuMem( 256 )
resblock        = eh.allocEmuMem( 0x20 )

# 这是自己临时增加的属性,用于存放文件句柄(FILE*)
eh.ftable       = dict()
eh.ftable[FILE] = f

update_stream( eh, FILE )

# 参看
# 在x64/Win10上用寄存器传递两个实参,模拟/仿真执行md5_stream()
# eh.emulateRange( startAddr, skipCalls=False, instructionHook=PrivateInstructionHook, registers={'arg1':FILE, 'arg2':resblock} )
# 如果不需要跟踪到指令级别,注释掉上面这条语句,换用下面这条语句
eh.emulateRange( startAddr, skipCalls=False, registers={'arg1':FILE, 'arg2':resblock} )
# 获取模拟/仿真执行md5_stream()返回值
ret             = eh.getRegVal( "rax" )
print( "ret =", ret )
# 获取MD5结果
md5             = eh.getEmuBytes( resblock, 0x20 )
hexdump.hexdump( md5 )
# 本例只有一个句柄需要关闭
for k,v in eh.ftable.items() :
    if v :
        cso.fclose( v )
        print( "Closing", hex( int( v ) ) )

end of main

if name == 'main' : main()

该脚本事实上有重大BUG,但阴差阳错间BUG并未影响最终模拟执行结果,这事后面再 细说。


Opening 0x7fff1e33fa90 ret = 0 00000000: 28 6A 9E DB 37 9D C3 42 3A 52 8B 08 64 A0 F1 11 (j..7..B:R..d... 00000010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ Closing 0x7fff1e33fa90


$ wsl md5sum /mnt/c/windows/system.ini 286a9edb379dc3423a528b0864a0f111 /mnt/c/windows/system.ini


00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ 00000010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 ................ ... 000000F0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................

00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ 00000010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 11 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 ................ ... 000000F0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................

00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ 00000010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 11 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 ................ ... 000000F0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................

3) 用windbg调试IDA对emu_md5_stream.py的加载执行

tasklist | findstr ida64 "X:\Green\Windows Kits\10\x64\Debuggers\x64\cdb.exe" -noinh -snul -hd -o -p

.prompt_allow +reg +ea +dis;rm 0xa .load jsprovider.dll;.scriptload dbghelper_20201205.js bp msvcrt!fopen "dx @$scriptContents.BreakEndWithAEx(@rcx,\"system.ini\",true,false);.if(@$t19==0x9c85130d){gc}"

当ida64进程试图打开system.ini时断下来。不要照搬调试命令,按原始意图换成自 己环境中的等价命令。

为什么拦截msvcrt!fopen()呢?首先emu_md5_stream.py中通过ctypes调过该函数, 其次Process Monitor调用栈回溯中看到它。为什么用windbg?因为Process Monitor 看不到更多细节,比如fopen()返回值、FILE结构内容等等。

da @rcx 0000025e`4883bd10 "c:\windows\system.ini"

kpn # Child-SP RetAddr Call Site 00 000000b96f3f9578 00007fff1b204461 msvcrt!fopen 01 000000b96f3f9580 00007fff1b20418d libffi_7!ffi_prep_go_closure+0x71 02 000000b96f3f95b0 00007fff1b204042 libffi_7!ffi_call_go+0x13d 03 000000b96f3f9600 00007fff16472bd2 libffi_7!ffi_call+0x12 04 000000b96f3f9640 00007fff164728c8 _ctypes+0x2bd2 05 000000b96f3f97a0 00007fff164725ab _ctypes+0x28c8 06 000000b96f3f98d0 00007fff1015410c _ctypes+0x25ab 07 000000b96f3f9980 00007fff101d3047 python39!PyObject_MakeTpCall+0x14c ... 20 000000b96f3face0 00000000762255c9 python39!PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs+0x2d 21 000000b96f3fad10 00000000762215ba idapython3_64+0x55c9 22 000000b96f3fb1c0 00007ff62af9c086 idapython3_64+0x15ba 23 000000b96f3fb240 00007ff62af9ef4a ida64_exe+0x18c086 ... 29 000000b96f3fb5d0 00000000767c81b2 Qt5Core!QT::QMetaObject::activate+0x591 ... 41 000000b96f3ffe40 00007fff1eb47034 ida64_exe+0x229002 42 000000b96f3ffe80 00007fff1fa9d0d1 KERNEL32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x14 43 000000b96f3ffeb0 0000000000000000 ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21


g poi(@rsp) r rax rax=00007fff1e33fa90

db @rax l 0n256 00007fff1e33fa90 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ 00007fff1e33faa0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-01 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 ................ ... 00007fff`1e33fb80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................


bp msvcrt!fclose ".if(@rcx!=0x7fff1e33fa90){gc}.else{db @rcx l 0x100}" g 00007fff1e33fa90 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ 00007fff1e33faa0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-11 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 ................ ... 00007fff`1e33fb80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................


☆ FILE结构

1) FILEStructureTest.c

if 0

x64/RedHat gcc 4.8.5

gcc -Wall -pipe -O3 -s -o FILEStructureTest_linux FILEStructureTest.c gcc -Wall -pipe -O0 -g -o FILEStructureTest_linux FILEStructureTest.c

$ ./FILEStructureTest_linux FILEStructureTest.c sizeof( FILE ) = 216 OFFSETOF( FILE*, _flags ) = 0

Visual Studio 2019 社区版

cl.exe FILEStructureTest.c /FeFILEStructureTest_windows.exe /Zi /FdFILEStructureTest_windows.pdb /nologo /Os /Gs65536 /W4 /WX /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /link /machine:x64 /pdbaltpath:FILEStructureTest_windows.pdb /RELEASE /opt:ref editbin.exe /dynamicbase:no FILEStructureTest_windows.exe

"/pdbaltpath"是link.exe的参数,使得将来.exe中的.pdb只有指定名字,而不是缺 省的绝对路径,减少信息泄露。


$ FILEStructureTest_windows.exe FILEStructureTest.c sizeof( FILE ) = 8 OFFSETOF( FILE*, _Placeholder ) = 0


/ * 抑制VS 2019关于fopen()的安全警告 /




define OFFSETOF(TYPE, MEMBER) ((size_t)&((TYPE)0)->MEMBER)

define BLOCKSIZE 32768

static void hexdump ( FILE out, unsigned char in, size_t insize, size_t count, size_t offset ) { size_t k, j, i;

if ( insize <= 0 || count <= 0 || NULL == in || NULL == out )
i       = 0;
for ( k = insize / count; k > 0; k--, offset += count )
    fprintf( out, "%016zx:", offset );
    for ( j = 0; j < count; j++, i++ )
        fprintf( out, " %02x", in[i] );
    fprintf( out, "  " );
    i  -= count;
    for ( j = 0; j < count; j++, i++ )
        if ( ( in[i] >= ' ' ) && ( in[i] < 0x7f ) )
            fprintf( out, "%c", in[i] );
            fprintf( out, "." );
    fprintf( out, "\n" );
}  /* end of for */
k       = insize - i;
if ( k <= 0 )
fprintf( out, "%016zx:", offset );
for ( j = 0 ; j < k; j++, i++ )
    fprintf( out, " %02x", in[i] );
i      -= k;
for ( j = count - k; j > 0; j-- )
    fprintf( out, "   " );
fprintf( out, "  " );
for ( j = 0; j < k; j++, i++ )
    if ( ( in[i] >= ' ' ) && ( in[i] < 0x7f ) )
        fprintf( out, "%c", in[i] );
        fprintf( out, "." );
fprintf( out, "\n" );

} / end of hexdump /

ifdef WIN32

pragma warning( push )

pragma warning( disable : 4100 )


/ * VS 2019如下告警被抑制 * * FILEStructureTest.c(num): warning C4100: 'argc': unreferenced formal parameter * * 聚焦测试,未做各种安全检查 / int main ( int argc, char * argv[] ) { char filename = argv[1]; FILE stream = fopen( filename, "rb" ); size_t sum; unsigned char *buffer = malloc( BLOCKSIZE + 72 ); size_t offset = 0;

while ( 1 )
    size_t  n;

    sum     = 0;
    while ( 1 )
        n       = fread( buffer + sum, 1, BLOCKSIZE - sum, stream );
        sum    += n;
        if ( sum == BLOCKSIZE )
        if ( n == 0 )
            if ( ferror( stream ) )
                free( buffer );
                return 1;
            goto process_partial_block;
        if ( feof( stream ) )
            goto process_partial_block;
    hexdump( stdout, buffer, BLOCKSIZE, 16, offset );
    offset += BLOCKSIZE;


if ( sum > 0 )
    hexdump( stdout, buffer, sum, 16, offset );
free( buffer );
fclose( stream );

ifdef WIN32

 * C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.18362.0\ucrt\corecrt_wstdio.h
 * C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.18362.0\ucrt\mbstring.h
printf( "sizeof( FILE ) = %zu\n", sizeof( FILE ) );
printf( "OFFSETOF( FILE*, _Placeholder ) = %zu\n", OFFSETOF( FILE*, _Placeholder ) );


 * /usr/include/libio.h
printf( "sizeof( FILE ) = %zu\n", sizeof( FILE ) );
printf( "OFFSETOF( FILE*, _flags ) = %zu\n", OFFSETOF( FILE*, _flags ) );


return 0;


ifdef WIN32

pragma warning( pop )


$ ./FILEStructureTest_linux FILEStructureTest.c sizeof( FILE ) = 216 OFFSETOF( FILE*, _flags ) = 0

$ FILEStructureTest_windows.exe FILEStructureTest.c sizeof( FILE ) = 8 OFFSETOF( FILE*, _Placeholder ) = 0

2) Linux的FILE结构

$ vi /usr/include/libio.h

struct _IO_FILE { int _flags; / High-order word is _IO_MAGIC; rest is flags. /

define _IO_file_flags _flags

/ The following pointers correspond to the C++ streambuf protocol. / / Note: Tk uses the _IO_read_ptr and _IO_read_end fields directly. / char _IO_read_ptr; / Current read pointer / char _IO_read_end; / End of get area. / char _IO_read_base; / Start of putback+get area. / char _IO_write_base; / Start of put area. / char _IO_write_ptr; / Current put pointer. / char _IO_write_end; / End of put area. / char _IO_buf_base; / Start of reserve area. / char _IO_buf_end; / End of reserve area. / / The following fields are used to support backing up and undo. / char _IO_save_base; / Pointer to start of non-current get area. / char _IO_backup_base; / Pointer to first valid character of backup area / char _IO_save_end; / Pointer to end of non-current get area. */

struct _IO_marker *_markers;

struct _IO_FILE *_chain;

int _fileno;

if 0

int _blksize;


int _flags2;


_IO_off_t _old_offset; / This used to be _offset but it's too small. /

define __HAVE_COLUMN / temporary /

/ 1+column number of pbase(); 0 is unknown. / unsigned short _cur_column; signed char _vtable_offset; char _shortbuf[1];

/ char _save_gptr; char _save_egptr; /

_IO_lock_t *_lock;



ferror()、feof()这些运行时库函数屏蔽了FILE结构细节,正经编程时不需要了解 FILE结构细节,更不应该直接操作FILE结构。但是,对于emu_md5_stream.py这种场 景,逆向工程时不得不直面FILE结构细节。


/ * ferror() / 0000000000403840 F6 45 00 20 test byte ptr [rbp+0], 20h

/ * feof() / 00000000004037D0 F6 45 00 10 test byte ptr [rbp+0], 10h

此时无法通过eh.addApiHook()安装Hook模拟ferror()、feof()。bluerust直接复制 Host进程空间的FILE结构到Guest进程空间,就是应对前述inline展开。就ferror()、 feof()而言,它们只操作偏移0处的_flags成员的最低字节,可以只向Guest空间复制 1字节,而不是复制整个FILE结构。

反汇编FILEStructureTest_linux,注意到ferror()、feof()以动态链接的运行时库 函数方式出现,并未inline展开,估计静态编译时有可能inline展开。

3) Windows的FILE结构

查看Visual Studio 2019 社区版中这两个头文件:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.18362.0\ucrt\corecrt_wstdio.h C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.18362.0\ucrt\mbstring.h


typedef struct _iobuf
    void* _Placeholder;


而在VC 6时代,是这样定义的:


struct _iobuf { char _ptr; int _cnt; char _base; int _flag; int _file; int _charbuf; int _bufsiz; char *_tmpfname; }; typedef struct _iobuf FILE;



VS 2019的定义非常具有迷惑性,起初我以为_Placeholder指向一个更不透明的内部 数据结构。但反汇编FILEStructureTest_windows.exe后发现我想多了,事实上FILE 结构仍同VC 6时代。_Placeholder真地就如其名所言,只是个占位成员。微软认为 FILE结构是未文档化的,不应该直接操作它,包括sizeof(FILE)这种都是不应有的操 作,干脆在头文件中彻底屏蔽了FILE结构细节,只能通过反汇编观察其内部细节。


/ * ferror() / 0000000140003241 8B 41 14 mov eax, [rcx+14h] 0000000140003244 C1 E8 04 shr eax, 4 0000000140003247 83 E0 01 and eax, 1

/ * feof() / 0000000140003215 8B 41 14 mov eax, [rcx+14h] 0000000140003218 C1 E8 03 shr eax, 3 000000014000321B 83 E0 01 and eax, 1

Windows的_flag成员偏移不同于Linux的_flags成员偏移,并且ferror()、feof()具 体访问的二进制位也不一样,前者整体左移了一位。

4) emu_md5_stream.py中update_stream()

考虑这样一种场景,md5_stream()本来是在x64/Linux中运行的,现在在x64/Win10中 用flare-emu模拟执行它。

Linux、Windows的FILE结构完全不一样,像emu_md5_stream.py中update_stream()那 样简单复制FILE结构,没有意义,更有可能导致不可预期的混乱。

单就md5_stream()这一场景而言,应该在update_stream()中完成Windows _flag到 Linux _flags的映射,这才是完备有效的模拟。此次并未涉及FILE结构其他成员,很 容易重新实现update_stream(),留给读者自己完成。

5) 为什么emu_md5_stream.py有BUG仍然得到正确结果


def PrivateInstructionHook ( unicornObject, address, instructionSize, userData ) : print( "=> %#x [%s]" % ( address, ida_lines.tag_remove( ida_lines.generate_disasm_line( address ) ) ) )

eh.emulateRange( startAddr, skipCalls=False, instructionHook=PrivateInstructionHook, registers={'arg1':FILE, 'arg2':resblock} )


... => 0x4037ba [call _fread_unlocked] => 0x4037bf [add rbx, rax] => 0x4037c2 [cmp rbx, 8000h] => 0x4037c9 [jz short loc_403818] => 0x4037cb [test rax, rax] => 0x4037ce [jz short loc_403840] => 0x403840 [test byte ptr [rbp+0], 20h] => 0x403844 [jz short loc_4037D6] ...


int __fastcall md5_stream(FILE stream, void resblock) { ... if ( buffer ) { ... while ( 1 ) { while ( 1 ) { n = fread_unlocked((char )buffer + sum, 1uLL, 0x8000 - sum, stream); sum += n; if ( sum != 0x8000 ) break; md5_process_block(buffer, 0x8000LL, ctx); sum = 0LL; } / * 第二次到达此处时,n为0,break,跳去检查ferror()。 / if ( !n ) break; / * 缓冲区够大,一次就读完了整个文件。但模拟执行时feof()判断不为真, * 因为偏移0处的字节值为0。继续while循环。 / if ( stream->_flags & 0x10 ) goto process_partial_block; } / * 模拟执行时ferror()判断不为真,因为偏移0处的字节值为0。幸运地离开。 */ if ( stream->_flags & 0x20 ) { free(buffer); return 1; } process_partial_block: if ( sum ) md5_process_bytes(buffer, sum, ctx); md5_finish_ctx(ctx, (__int64)resblock); free(buffer); ret = 0; } return ret; }

模拟执行时feof()、ferror()依次访问了错误的_flags成员,由于其固定为0,对于 md5_stream()具体实现来说,未影响最终MD5结果。

事实上bluerust最早实现的emu_md5_stream.py连update_stream()都没有,也求得正 确MD5值。然后他在静态审计中意识到应该有update_stream(),就是前面演示的版本。 即使这样,仍然在特定场景中存在BUG。emu_md5_stream.py误打误撞逃过一劫。

后来bluerust解释,FILE结构的平台差异我是有想到的,我对FILE结构非常熟悉,但 我当时以为那个.i64对应一个PE文件,第二觉得要映射结构好烦啊,作为DEMO,就别 折腾了。

☆ 后记

被模拟代码如果有I/O、操作系统相关的动作或其他更复杂的什么,是模拟执行还是 动态调试,需要具体情况具体分析,选用较优解。函数调用可以Hook,inline展开则 涉及内部数据结构,如果非要模拟执行,务必深刻理解上下文后谨慎处理。

flare-emu小巧精悍,相比之下另一些模拟框架显得重型,是否适用于你的目标场景 需要另行评估。不要相信它们宣称的NB,在逆向工程的世界里,永远有一些意想不到 的坑等着你。

flare-emu的iterate()功能也很实用。举个例子,目标binary中有个私有解码函数对 binary中混淆存放的字符串进行解码,iterate()通过分析交叉引用信息自动定位该 解码函数的主调位置,根据ABI自动分析、抽取形参,自动调用我们提供的回调函数; 回调函数中可以调用解码函数获取反混淆后的明文字符串,在IDA中自动增加注释。 这种功能都有重大假设,ABI就是其中之一,当目标binary不满足这些先验假设时, 就需要其他Hacking。本文未就iterate()进行示例,相比之下emu_md5_stream.py已 把最困难的部分示例清楚了。


如果以上帝视角展开,本文将精简许多,但学习过程中林林总总的坑比精简的结论更 有价值。

☆ 参考资源

[1] flare-emu (depends on Unicorn and its Python bindings)

[2] Unicorn

[3] FLARE Script Series: Automating Objective-C Code Analysis with Emulation

[4] FLARE IDA Pro Script Series: Automating Function Argument Extraction

FLARE Script Series: Automating Obfuscated String Decoding