2017 年巴菲特对话北京大学学生:最好的投资是投资自己
美国中部时间 2 月 17 日,全球知名的“巴菲特午餐”访问活动在沃伦巴菲特的家乡奥马哈举行,这顿“免费”的午餐正是该访问活动中的一个环节。北京大学是中国大陆第一家受巴菲特办公室邀请参加该活动的大学。来自北京大学光华管理学院的 20 名学生代表参加了此次访问活动,并向巴菲特提问。
在长达 4 小时的午餐中,巴菲特和青年学子交流了很多精彩的话题。据了解,每年申请参与“巴菲特午餐”访问活动的全球知名商学院不少于 200 所。此次,共计 8 所大学受邀,包括加州大学伯克利分校、芝加哥大学、威斯康星大学等。北京大学光华管理学院依托北京大学深厚的历史底蕴和文化积淀,作为北大工商管理教育的主体,是亚太地区最优秀的商学院之一,在众多商学院中脱颖而出,是此次中国唯一一家受邀全程参与 2017 年“巴菲特午餐”访问活动的商学院。
巴菲特:中国是一个很大的市场,具有非常多的可能性。我和我的合作伙伴查理芒格有很多关于中国的讨论和研究,我们注重公司的价值而非股票价格,希望购买下整个企业以进行运营。在过去的 50 年,中国人口飞速发展,人口红利巨大。一些波折并不会影响中国发展的脚步。中、美将来会是两大经济强国。如果在中国能找到合适的行业、合适的时间、合适的管理团队,我们会毫不犹豫的投资。
1930 年代,有两位犹太裔移民为了躲避德国纳粹来到美国,成为美国公民。他们就是阿尔伯特•爱因斯坦和利奥•西拉德。1939 年,他们向时任美国总统的罗斯福写了一封信,提及德国正在研究核武器,建议美国尽早进行相应研究,这封信拯救了美国。如果往近了说,史蒂夫•乔布斯也是移民的儿子。要知道,人气愈旺,市场愈旺。
有些人担忧移民带来的潜在危险。特朗普总统的移民政策对当下这些潜在威胁做出了反应。然而,移民们是出于对美国的热爱而选择这个国家。如果美国保持对移民的开放态度,50 年后的美国会更加美好。
巴菲特:本杰明•格林汉姆(Benjamin Graham)的《聪明的投资者》(The intelligent investor)对我的影响很大。我刚开始投资的时候一直侧重技术分析,而这本书彻底改变了我的投资思路,教会我如何理解股票市场。在我看来,商学院教投资只需要两门课:一是如何思考股票。二是如何对股票进行估值。投资策略的准则就在于安全边际(margin of safety)。
首先是对自己的投资。任何可以提高你能力的投资都是值得的。年轻时我不擅公众演讲,于是我报了一个 Dale Carnegie(卡内基)课程,提高自己的演讲能力。这让我受用一生。
另外就是对朋友的投资。一个人交往的朋友会塑造他的人生,如我的合伙人芒格。1951 年我 21 岁,想投资保险公司。可那时我对保险行业一无所知。我在哥伦比亚大学的老师、本杰明•格林汉姆当时在政府员工保险公司(GEICO)任职董事,所以我坐火车去华盛顿找他。可惜我忘记了那是周六,他不上班。公司的一个管理员为我开了门,把我介绍给 Lorimer Davidson。他当时是公司的副总裁。他知道我是格林汉姆的学生,于是与我聊了四个小时,为我讲解了整个保险行业,这改变了我的一生,他成为我一辈子的良师益友。
巴菲特:人工智能毫无疑问是会到来的,并将在很大程度上引发一些行业的变革。然而对于投资领域,我不认为人工智能将会对投资决策会有变革式的影响。首先,我几年前就开始与一些 AI 领域的专家深入探讨,AI 在某些领域的发展状况还处于瓶颈期,目前尚不足以支持替代人脑思维的功能。当然,最重要的是,投资并不仅仅是围绕计算。我们了解一家公司及其行业的运营和价值是需要复杂思维和判断的。对于短期投资而言,人工智能可以帮助高效完成很多交易;但对于长期投资,我不认为人工智能会有很大影响。回顾 1987 年,股票市场在一天之内下跌 22%,主要是受程序化主导发生的。我还是坚持认为电脑技术以及人工智能不会对投资界有很大的影响。
巴菲特:今天相比于 50 年前,市场竞争激烈了很多,但是人们也拥有更快更简单的途径来获取信息。1957 年,我还在学校的时候,主要通过读公司的年报来获取信息。那个时候的年报只包含公司非常基本的财务信息。我有一本 50 年前的信用评级公司穆迪(Moody)的年报(编者注:巴菲特拿出一般很厚的书)读到第 1433 页,是国家西方人寿保险公司(NWLI)的公年报。据报告所述,1950 年,NWLI 每股收益 21.66 美元,一年之后是每股 29.09 美元。此前 12 个月,这只个股的交易价在 3 到 13 美元。公司股票交易额非常小,不过那个时候我也只是一个很小的投资者。以前买股票是很麻烦的事情。
几年前,有人告诉我应该留意韩国。我得到一本花旗的册子,上面每页介绍了一只韩国个股,韩国所有的公开上市公司都列入其中。把这本册子从头读到尾,了解它提供的面值、每股收益等。一般来说股票价格不会告诉你任何事。我可以找出同行业等大概 15-20 家公司,一个下午就找到大约 20 家公司。
巴菲特:我认为他们可能面临的一个挑战是收购。通常情况下,在一次收购中,CEO 会听取单方面的演示,解释这次收购为什么以及如何发生。我见证了一百多个收购演示,多数收购是不可能发生的。我的建议是,董事会应该听取两组投资银行家的演示,一组解释为什么交易应该继续,另一组指出为什么交易不应该继续。这可以确保获取的推理是合理的。如果收购不该继续,投资银行家和律师就应该离开并停止交易。这种终止情况不会经常发生,但应该要发生更多。许多 CEO 对于收购知之甚少,但很好地了解收购对他们很重要。
巴菲特:当初我开始投资公司购买股票时,我喜欢购买非常低估值的股票,但是这些公司都不是好公司。我花了 20 年才走出 “捡烟蒂”式投资。估值便宜的公司就像一艘漏水的船。查理告诉我去寻找和投资伟大的企业。US Arrow Air Inc.(航空货运公司)在 1987 年出售价格达到 3000 万美金,而公司却破产过两次。在投资的世界中,不需要担心投资的过错。1922 年 4 月,股市跌去了 27 点,后又反弹 39 点。我把我的所有持仓在反弹时卖掉了,然后市场后来上升了 200 多点。
巴菲特:有一篇文章详细的回答了您的问题,在 Tim Geithner 发表关于风险的担忧。1.银行是否遵从他们应符合的行为。2.联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)是一家政府公司,为储户提供存款保险。当银行破产后,仍然是纳税人为这些费用买单。
我们现在可能比过去更容易受到金融冲击。在 2008 年 9 月,大于 35 亿美金的市值蒸发。现在我们必须懂得如何处理市场恐慌。国会现在拥有更大的权利。唯一的办法就是委任一位有公信力的人。例如,美联储主席。35 亿美金的货币市场基金可以让整个市场瘫痪。当人们害怕时,每个人都涌向出口。然而当人们的信心恢复时,却需要一个一个的恢复。从某种意义上来说,我们需要监管当最坏情况的发生,我们需要联邦存款保险公司来支持和稳定银行系统。我们的市场没有美联储是无法运转的。
Q15:如果您在 2017 年毕业,您会如何从零开始建立职业生涯?
巴菲特:当我感到有信心时,我选择了两位基金经理来到伯克希尔·哈撒韦,他们现在每人管理 100 亿美金。这两位基金经理有一些特质是非常稀有的。他们没有过去的成绩记录。当我毕业后,我总是会选择一个职业,是当我不需要工作时也会去做的职业。我不希望我梦游般的上班,而我也不会太在意我的起薪。我会选择那些我喜爱的,让我有激情的工作。如果不是这样的话,我只会不断地看着时钟等待下班。对于 MBA 学生,我建议大家毕业前着重培养商业思维,以及掌握如何评估公司价值。
备注:美国中部时间 2 月 17 日,全球知名的“巴菲特午餐”访问活动在沃伦巴菲特的家乡奥马哈举行,这顿“免费”的午餐正是该访问活动中的一个环节。此次,共计 8 所大学受邀,包括加州大学伯克利分校、芝加哥大学、威斯康星大学等。北京大学是中国大陆第一家受巴菲特办公室邀请参加该活动的大学。
Q1: What is your latest idea of investing in China? And if you are going to do some investments in China, which industries will be your priorities and why?
A: China is a huge market and there are more possibilities because of its size. My partner Charles Thomas Munge looks at China a lot. We focus on not price but valuation of companies. We do close research on the companies and try to buy the whole business when we invest. During the last 50 years, the population grew rapidly in China and it was full of talent and people resources. Some interruptions will not disturb its development. China and the US will become two superpower economies in the future. We do appreciate big investment opportunities in China as this country has more chances.
Q2: You are one of the richest men in the world, as well as one of the most generous. What is your view of wealth? Is it established at the very beginning at a young age, or is it developed through different phases of your life?
A: This is a good question, about money. Money can buy most things, but it cannot buy time and love. I have only one thing that can count as luxury—a private jet. Other things are the same as yours. Money has no utility beyond certain point and the usage is the same to everyone. Charity can change life of many people. My wife and I both agree that we should spend money to solve the important societal problems. For example, universities in the US have external funding, but the diseases curing in Africa may not have funding.
Money can bring many interesting experiences. I enjoy this game of investing. However, more stuff does not mean happier. Money cannot buy love. When people try to control their kids through money, it may bring disasters. I believe taking care of family is very important.
Q3: Bill Gates once said you are the most optimistic person he has ever known. Do you think you are optimistic, and why? Is it born with or learned later?
A: Optimism is a very important quality for a good investor. The result of life is getting better and stronger. Compared to Age of Jefferson (like back to 1776), people did not make a lot of progress. In less than 3 life times, significant changes and developments happened. Why? Human are not smarter, nor working harder, but we hung on with our potential. The economic system and government policies are delivering unbelievable results. Compared to old times when people died, and had fewer choices, everyone in the room live a better life. Our children, younger generations will live even better. Optimistic is realistic.
Q4: If you were president, how would you make the immigrant policy?
A: Welcoming immigrants is a grand American tradition. The country couldn’t be here without the contributions from immigrants.
In 1939, two Jewish immigrants, Albert Einstein and Leo Szillard, wrote a letter to President Roosevelt, alerting him to Germany’s undergoing research of "extremely powerful bombs of a new type" and recommending that the U.S. begin similar research. The letter saved US. Steve Jobs was son of immigrant. When people comes, the market comes.
President Trump is reaching to the clear present danger. However, U.S. would be a better country 50 years from now if it keeps the great tradition.
Q5: You have picked many successful companies previously. And the market will see your purchase of the stock as signals of confidence, how does this influence on your positions?
A: I have signed some confidential treatments with the SEC, but not for my portfolio. We still need to disclose our portfolio holdings 45 days of the end of the quarter. However, I think there should be intelligence properties behind the idea of what stock to buy and these ideas should be protected.
Management like the announcements though. But it will cost us a lot of money and it is negative to our investment. I have made attempt to not disclose what I am buying. We keep in mind to minimize the effects on market from our investment decisions.
Q6: What is your view of the struggling newspaper industry?
A: In the old time, the advertisements on newspaper were source of information and it spread everything. Nowadays, the industry is declining and the classified sections do not help anymore. They lose print circulation, and thus the advertisement revenue. The internet accelerates the change of newspaper and news need to be in time. New York Times’ and Wall Street Journal’s digital part allows them to keep some print circulation (joint cost synergy). Washington Post increased online activity a few years ago. Most newspapers have not found a feasible way of paid online subscription.
Q7: What is the most important improvement you make during the investments?
A: I was focusing on technical analysis when I was young. The intelligent investor, the book written by Benjamin Graham, reset my whole investment thinking. It taught me how to think about stock market. From my perspective, there are two courses that should be taught in all business schools: how to think about stock market and how to value stocks. Margin of safety is always the principle of investment.
The formula of investing never changes. First, how sure you are? Second, how soon it will to get you there? Third, what to do to achieve it?
Investing is buying a piece of business. You could buy business with one million dollars in Omaha. What will you invest? Maybe a fast-food restaurant since people need to have food every day. Go through the ideas in your mind, look at things, and grab information. That is why investing is amazing: you only need to make decisions rather than do it by yourself. Since the market prices change every day, opportunities are always there. Mr. Market is there to serve you. You should utilize it when he goes crazy rather than let him take pressure on you.
Q8: What is the best investment, favorite investment and learned-most investment in your life?
A: The best investment is in yourself. On my wall in the office, there is a certificate degree of Dale Carnegie Course, which I signed up for giving public talking. This is the best investment ever in my life.
Also we should invest in right friends. Associating with important friends will shape your life. Right friends or a spouse can make a huge difference in your life, such as my partner Charlie Munger.
When I was a student, I went to an insurance company, GEICO, in Washington DC downtown on a Saturday afternoon. And I pounded on the door and the custodian let me in. He introduced me to the only person at the office at that time and he gave me a 4 hour brief about the insurance business, which changed my life.
When I want to know about coal industry, I would ask people in coal companies, which competitor’s stock you will buy and which you will short and why? That is very useful for marketing research since people love to talk about their competitors.